こだわりのあること 六曜を英語でどう説明する?

英会話スクール 東京パスポート学院

2023年04月12日 16:59

スクールの今月のニュースレターのコラムは”Something Particular About" (こだわっていること)です。


Although I’m not so particular about anything, my mother is very particular about Rokuyo (六曜). Rokuyo literally means “6 days” and it tells a fortune for each day. Her calendar has rokuyo printed under each date and she decides the dates for events depending on the rokuyo. Not only big events such as weddings and funerals, but small things too, like when to hang New Year’s decorations or place dolls for Japan’s Doll Festival.
The young generation doesn’t care about rokuyo, and neither do I, but I believe most of us still avoid having funerals on Tomobiki or weddings on Butsumetsu.

You can explain about rokuyo in English as follows;
Rokuyo repeats in the following order.

1.Sakigachi 「先勝」 Good luck comes in the morning, but not in the afternoon. 午前中は吉、午後は凶

2.Tomobiki 「友引」Good luck in the morning and at night, but bad luck during the daytime. It literally means “pulling friends” so when a bad thing happens to you, it could come to your friends, too. It is said that we should avoid having a funeral on this day. 午前中と夜は吉、日中は凶。「友達を引っ張る」ということから、悪いことが起こると、友達にも起こると言われているので、この日にお葬式は避けた方が良いと言われています。

3.Sakimake 「先負」Bad luck in the morning and then it turns to good luck. 朝は凶、午後は吉。

4.Butsumetsu 「仏滅」 The unluckiest day. “Butsumetsu” means Buddha’s death

5.Taian 「大安」The luckiest day when everything goes well. The best day to have a wedding ceremony. 一番吉の日で、何事もうまくいきます。結婚式には一番良い日です。

6.Shakko 「赤口」Bad luck except from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The kanji means “red mouth”. The red symbolizes blood or fire so it’s not a good day to celebrate something.

What are you particular about? みなさんは何にこだわりがありますか。
